BMS - Wooden puzzle Butterfly

BMS - Wooden puzzle Butterfly

₹ -

BMS - Wooden puzzle Butterfly

Product Code: 299

Product Price : Rs. - as on 14 April 2013

Baby alphabet wooden butterfly puzzle jigsaw alphabet number This quality wooden puzzle is beautifully handcrafted and varies in complexity and is designed for experts and beginners aged 1 - 101. One puzzle can create many different forms and colour combinations with ease. These puzzles are often used in therapeutic work for both children and adults promoting creativity and awakening the artistic capabilities within us whilst helping to create a balance for concentrated thought and repetitive work.Pink is the colour that catches little girls'' eyes. Made by pink purple apple green and blue blocks this butterfly puzzle is simply pretty and eye-catching. 26 pieces painted color blocks make this colorful butterfly. With numbers and alphabet printed on each side your little ones will learn the alphabet and numbers much more quickly. No varnish was used. The letters are vinyl stick-on acid free and are very hard to remove. Puzzle is completely non-toxic lead free child safe.Measures:27x19.5x1.5cm

Baby alphabet wooden butterfly puzzle jigsaw alphabet number This quality wooden puzzle is beautifully handcrafted and varies in complexity and is designed for experts and beginners aged 1 - 101. One puzzle can create many different forms and colour combinations with ease. These puzzles are often used in therapeutic work for both children and adults promoting creativity and awakening the artistic capabilities within us whilst helping to create a balance for concentrated thought and repetitive work.Pink is the colour that catches little girls'' eyes. Made by pink purple apple green and blue blocks this butterfly puzzle is simply pretty and eye-catching. 26 pieces painted color blocks make this colorful butterfly. With numbers and alphabet printed on each side your little ones will learn the alphabet and numbers much more quickly. No varnish was used. The letters are vinyl stick-on acid free and are very hard to remove. Puzzle is completely non-toxic lead free child safe.Measures:27x19.5x1.5cm

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BMS - Wooden puzzle Butterfly Price in India : Rs. -

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