BMS - Wooden Puzzle Elephant

BMS - Wooden Puzzle Elephant

₹ 349.00

BMS - Wooden Puzzle Elephant

Product Code: 41738

Product Price : Rs. 349.00 as on 14 April 2013

""Childrens Elephant Wooden Puzzle jigsaw alphabet number Your children''s assembling and imaginative ability will be improved by playing this wooden elephant puzzle. It features 26pcs with alphabet (A-Z) on it. It is quite interesting to assemble and it keeps your children playing for hours and you do not need any metal screw for connection.This is a brand new and high quality Elephant Puzzle toyGreat gift for your kids with this loveable toy 26pcs(A-Z) handcrafted and hand painted preschool Alphabet Elephant Puzzle toyExpand and practice your kids''s patience potential assemly ability concertration and broaden their horizon to develop intelligence with these multi-colored Animal Wooden Puzzle.This amazing Wooden Elephant Puzzle can be constructed a lovely elephant.They are wooden construction and there is no need to use any metal screw for connection.It is also great for entertainment and recreation usage making children grow up with happiness.Size:19cm long ( at the longest ) 13.6cm wide ( at the widest ) 1.5cm thick.Color:Multi colorWeight:225g.Warning: Containing Small parts so small children need supervision.""

""Childrens Elephant Wooden Puzzle jigsaw alphabet number Your children''s assembling and imaginative ability will be improved by playing this wooden elephant puzzle. It features 26pcs with alphabet (A-Z) on it. It is quite interesting to assemble and it keeps your children playing for hours and you do not need any metal screw for connection.This is a brand new and high quality Elephant Puzzle toyGreat gift for your kids with this loveable toy 26pcs(A-Z) handcrafted and hand painted preschool Alphabet Elephant Puzzle toyExpand and practice your kids''s patience potential assemly ability concertration and broaden their horizon to develop intelligence with these multi-colored Animal Wooden Puzzle.This amazing Wooden Elephant Puzzle can be constructed a lovely elephant.They are wooden construction and there is no need to use any metal screw for connection.It is also great for entertainment and recreation usage making children grow up with happiness.Size:19cm long ( at the longest ) 13.6cm wide ( at the widest ) 1.5cm thick.Color:Multi colorWeight:225g.Warning: Containing Small parts so small children need supervision.""

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BMS - Wooden Puzzle Elephant Price in India : Rs. 349.00

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  2. The latest price of BMS - Wooden Puzzle Elephant was obtained on 14 April 2013.
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