Elegenzes Semi Stitched 3 Piece Designer Suit (474)

Elegenzes Semi Stitched 3 Piece Designer Suit (474)

₹ 2,799.00

Elegenzes Semi Stitched 3 Piece Designer Suit (474)

Product Code: 36771

Product Price : Rs. 2,799.00 as on 14 April 2013

Just recall the splashy & colorful Kurtis that Preeto and siblings wear in ''Saware Sabke Sapne Preeto'' or Rolly in ''Sasural Simar ka'' who flaunt the rich fabric in her ensemble. Get more and more innovative with your wardrobe like the small screen divas through the exclusive range of unstitched suits.An array of sophistication or a chirpiness of an Indian girl feminine statement or a sober look get all that glamour that the soap opera girls flaunt.About Product :Grab this Exclusive Designer Wear outfit for this season and look elegant on all occasions. This Designer Wear is free size and can be altered to fit any size and should be only dry cleaned.Fabric: Semi Georgette

Just recall the splashy & colorful Kurtis that Preeto and siblings wear in ''Saware Sabke Sapne Preeto'' or Rolly in ''Sasural Simar ka'' who flaunt the rich fabric in her ensemble. Get more and more innovative with your wardrobe like the small screen divas through the exclusive range of unstitched suits.An array of sophistication or a chirpiness of an Indian girl feminine statement or a sober look get all that glamour that the soap opera girls flaunt.About Product :Grab this Exclusive Designer Wear outfit for this season and look elegant on all occasions. This Designer Wear is free size and can be altered to fit any size and should be only dry cleaned.Fabric: Semi Georgette

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Elegenzes Semi Stitched 3 Piece Designer Suit (474) Price in India : Rs. 2,799.00

  1. Price of Elegenzes Semi Stitched 3 Piece Designer Suit (474) in the above table are in Indian Rupees.
  2. The latest price of Elegenzes Semi Stitched 3 Piece Designer Suit (474) was obtained on 14 April 2013.
  3. The Elegenzes Semi Stitched 3 Piece Designer Suit (474) is available at
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  6. Our prices vary regularly. Please keep on checking our site to keep updated of lowest price of Elegenzes Semi Stitched 3 Piece Designer Suit (474).

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