Sinsar Stylish Green Stone Embedded On Ornate Disc Centre Pendant Set (1668)

Sinsar Stylish Green Stone Embedded On Ornate Disc Centre Pendant Set (1668)

₹ 249.00

Sinsar Stylish Green Stone Embedded On Ornate Disc Centre Pendant Set (1668)

Product Code: 33327

Product Price : Rs. 249.00 as on 14 April 2013

Want to steal a perfect Indian ‘bahu look from the daily soap operas. Look no more. From glamorous and bold neckpieces to ethnic bits you are spoilt for choice with the huge range of imitation jewelry by Sinsar. Its the quickest way to glam up your look.This stylish green stone pendant embedded on ornate disc centre makes you the center of attraction. Make accessorizing an easy task rather than a head racking ordeal with a little help from this alluring necklace set. As you walk along you will definitely be greeted by jaw dropping gazes.

Want to steal a perfect Indian ‘bahu look from the daily soap operas. Look no more. From glamorous and bold neckpieces to ethnic bits you are spoilt for choice with the huge range of imitation jewelry by Sinsar. Its the quickest way to glam up your look.This stylish green stone pendant embedded on ornate disc centre makes you the center of attraction. Make accessorizing an easy task rather than a head racking ordeal with a little help from this alluring necklace set. As you walk along you will definitely be greeted by jaw dropping gazes.

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Sinsar Stylish Green Stone Embedded On Ornate Disc Centre Pendant Set (1668) Price in India : Rs. 249.00

  1. Price of Sinsar Stylish Green Stone Embedded On Ornate Disc Centre Pendant Set (1668) in the above table are in Indian Rupees.
  2. The latest price of Sinsar Stylish Green Stone Embedded On Ornate Disc Centre Pendant Set (1668) was obtained on 14 April 2013.
  3. The Sinsar Stylish Green Stone Embedded On Ornate Disc Centre Pendant Set (1668) is available at
  4. The price is valid in all major cities of India including Mumbai, Delhi, Bangalore,Kolkata ,Chennai, Hyderabad, Ahmedabad, Pune, Surat, Kanpur, Jaipur, Lucknow, Nagpur, Patna, Indore, Thane, Bhopal, Ludhiana, Agra and Chandigarh. Please check instructions at the specific stores for any deviation.
  5. We are not responsible for the goods sold by any of the sellers above.
  6. Our prices vary regularly. Please keep on checking our site to keep updated of lowest price of Sinsar Stylish Green Stone Embedded On Ornate Disc Centre Pendant Set (1668).

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