Ice Princess

Ice Princess

₹ 194.00

Ice Princess

Product Code: 7943

Product Price : Rs. 194.00 as on 14 April 2013

17-year-old physics whiz Casey Carlyle is urged by her physics teacher to work on a physics project over the summer for presentation to Harvard. As a skater Casey decides on a project that shows the elements of physics applied in competitive figure skating. To start she visits a skating club run by former professional skater Tina Harwood. Casey eventually finds that in order to better understand the principles she''s using she will have to become her own test subject and joins the skating school. The more she gets involved the more she falls in love with figure skating....and must ultimately make a choice; Will it be Harvard - which her mother and Casey have both dreamed of or will it be her new dream - as a competitive figure skater?

17-year-old physics whiz Casey Carlyle is urged by her physics teacher to work on a physics project over the summer for presentation to Harvard. As a skater Casey decides on a project that shows the elements of physics applied in competitive figure skating. To start she visits a skating club run by former professional skater Tina Harwood. Casey eventually finds that in order to better understand the principles she''s using she will have to become her own test subject and joins the skating school. The more she gets involved the more she falls in love with figure skating....and must ultimately make a choice; Will it be Harvard - which her mother and Casey have both dreamed of or will it be her new dream - as a competitive figure skater?

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Ice Princess Price in India : Rs. 194.00

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