Amaira - 5 stone white Bracelet

Amaira - 5 stone white Bracelet

₹ 214.00

Amaira - 5 stone white Bracelet

Product Code: 23997

Product Price : Rs. 214.00 as on 14 April 2013

If you have always cherished and admired jewelry worn by the big-screen divas Amaira Jewelry is a perfect way to have a look to their current shining trends. Have access to the unusual pieces of jewelry that is the hot fashion among silver-screen babes. Here are few of Amairas amazing jewelry collection that can make you popular like the tinsel girls.

If you have always cherished and admired jewelry worn by the big-screen divas Amaira Jewelry is a perfect way to have a look to their current shining trends. Have access to the unusual pieces of jewelry that is the hot fashion among silver-screen babes. Here are few of Amairas amazing jewelry collection that can make you popular like the tinsel girls.

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Amaira - 5 stone white Bracelet Price in India : Rs. 214.00

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