Hannah Montana: Pop Star Profile

Hannah Montana: Pop Star Profile

₹ 744.00

Hannah Montana: Pop Star Profile

Product Code: 14112

Product Price : Rs. 744.00 as on 14 April 2013

Miley Stewart (Miley Cyrus) might seem like an average girl but she isn''t. She moved from Tennessee to Malibu and is adapting to a new lifestyle. Miley has a huge secret only known by her dad/manager Robbie Ray Stewart (Billy Ray Cyrus) her weird brother Jackson Stewart(Jason Earles) and her two best friends Lilly Truscott (Emily Osment) & Oliver Oken (Mitchel Musso). Miley Stewart''s huge secret is she leads a double as the famous pop singer Hannah Montana along with her friend Lilly who also has a double life as Lola Hannah''s friend.

Miley Stewart (Miley Cyrus) might seem like an average girl but she isn''t. She moved from Tennessee to Malibu and is adapting to a new lifestyle. Miley has a huge secret only known by her dad/manager Robbie Ray Stewart (Billy Ray Cyrus) her weird brother Jackson Stewart(Jason Earles) and her two best friends Lilly Truscott (Emily Osment) & Oliver Oken (Mitchel Musso). Miley Stewart''s huge secret is she leads a double as the famous pop singer Hannah Montana along with her friend Lilly who also has a double life as Lola Hannah''s friend.

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