Rajwada Jewellery Set (js060)

Rajwada Jewellery Set (js060)

₹ 314.00

Rajwada Jewellery Set (js060)

Product Code: 8638

Product Price : Rs. 314.00 as on 14 April 2013

As we are awaiting Diwali with all fun and frolic our sparkling celebrities will be all the more high-spiriterd. The Bollywood gals will make it more glitterati with displaying and dazzling in exquisite jewellery. Give a radiant and magical touch to your celebration as well.The fashionable necklace and earring set with Meenakari work for your best traditional collection. Gold plated earrings and pendant set in brick-red hue is giving it an antique appearance.

As we are awaiting Diwali with all fun and frolic our sparkling celebrities will be all the more high-spiriterd. The Bollywood gals will make it more glitterati with displaying and dazzling in exquisite jewellery. Give a radiant and magical touch to your celebration as well.The fashionable necklace and earring set with Meenakari work for your best traditional collection. Gold plated earrings and pendant set in brick-red hue is giving it an antique appearance.

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Rajwada Jewellery Set (js060) Price in India : Rs. 314.00

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  1. Price of Rajwada Jewellery Set (js060) in the above table are in Indian Rupees.
  2. The latest price of Rajwada Jewellery Set (js060) was obtained on 14 April 2013.
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  6. Our prices vary regularly. Please keep on checking our site to keep updated of lowest price of Rajwada Jewellery Set (js060).

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