Shred - It With Weights

Shred - It With Weights

₹ 250.00

Shred - It With Weights

Product Code: 1926

Product Price : Rs. 250.00 as on 14 April 2013

Two 3O-Minuts workout plus warm-up and cool-downLEVEL 1: Heat up the body with dynamic stretches and cardio moves then sculpt lean muscle and shred mega fat with arms presses and explosive dead lift rows. Finish with a muscle-soothing cool-down. (30 Min.)LEVEL 2 : Elevate your heart rate with a vital warm-up then kick things into higher gear with jumping presses and lungs that will engage the core and fire up muscles. Finally calm your mind and rest your body with a critical cool-down. (30 Min.)

Two 3O-Minuts workout plus warm-up and cool-downLEVEL 1: Heat up the body with dynamic stretches and cardio moves then sculpt lean muscle and shred mega fat with arms presses and explosive dead lift rows. Finish with a muscle-soothing cool-down. (30 Min.)LEVEL 2 : Elevate your heart rate with a vital warm-up then kick things into higher gear with jumping presses and lungs that will engage the core and fire up muscles. Finally calm your mind and rest your body with a critical cool-down. (30 Min.)

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Shred - It With Weights Price in India : Rs. 250.00

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  2. The latest price of Shred - It With Weights was obtained on 14 April 2013.
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