Dil Deke Dekho

Dil Deke Dekho

₹ 437.00

Dil Deke Dekho

Product Code: 2010

Product Price : Rs. 437.00 as on 14 April 2013

""Jamuna a wealthy heiress was shocked by Harichand`s apparent suicide little realising it was a cunning fake. The suicide note told of the deceased`s being unable to tolerate Jamuna`s marriage with Rana. Harichand`s evil designs succeeded as Rana convinced of Jamuna`s infidelity walked out on her taking with him their infant son Roop. Jamuna adopted Harichand`s son Kailash as also Neeta whom she educated in Europe. With the passage of years Jamuna thought of Kailash as a likely math for Neeta but Fate had other ideas. Neeta met Roop now the dashing young leader of a popular band and they fell madly in love with each other. Harichand yet greedy to grab Jamuna`s riches planted his second son Sohan in her household leading her to believe that Sohan was her own Roop. Harichand`s gamble seemed certain to pay off when Jamuna decided that Neeta should immediately be wedded to Sohan ! But two young hearts so much in love can be more than a match for any evil plan. And when Ro""

""Jamuna a wealthy heiress was shocked by Harichand`s apparent suicide little realising it was a cunning fake. The suicide note told of the deceased`s being unable to tolerate Jamuna`s marriage with Rana. Harichand`s evil designs succeeded as Rana convinced of Jamuna`s infidelity walked out on her taking with him their infant son Roop. Jamuna adopted Harichand`s son Kailash as also Neeta whom she educated in Europe. With the passage of years Jamuna thought of Kailash as a likely math for Neeta but Fate had other ideas. Neeta met Roop now the dashing young leader of a popular band and they fell madly in love with each other. Harichand yet greedy to grab Jamuna`s riches planted his second son Sohan in her household leading her to believe that Sohan was her own Roop. Harichand`s gamble seemed certain to pay off when Jamuna decided that Neeta should immediately be wedded to Sohan ! But two young hearts so much in love can be more than a match for any evil plan. And when Ro""

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