

₹ 114.00


Product Code: 85

Product Price : Rs. 114.00 as on 14 April 2013

The architect Michael Newman has a typical middle-class family with his lovely and gorgeous wife Donna and their son Ben and daughter Samantha and a constant visit of his parents. However Michael is workaholic and under stress trying to satisfy his boss with overwork and get a partnership in his company giving priority to his work and neglecting the family issues. When the tired Michael goes to a department store to buy an universal remote control he rests on a bed and he meets the weird salesman Morty that offers him a remote control capable of controlling his own universe. Michael uses too much and loses the control of the device having his own life controlled by the remote control. Then Michael sees the worthwhile parts of his personal life he missed while working and in the end of his life he lately concludes that the family comes first.

The architect Michael Newman has a typical middle-class family with his lovely and gorgeous wife Donna and their son Ben and daughter Samantha and a constant visit of his parents. However Michael is workaholic and under stress trying to satisfy his boss with overwork and get a partnership in his company giving priority to his work and neglecting the family issues. When the tired Michael goes to a department store to buy an universal remote control he rests on a bed and he meets the weird salesman Morty that offers him a remote control capable of controlling his own universe. Michael uses too much and loses the control of the device having his own life controlled by the remote control. Then Michael sees the worthwhile parts of his personal life he missed while working and in the end of his life he lately concludes that the family comes first.

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Click Price in India : Rs. 114.00

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