1st Step - Circle High Chair

1st Step - Circle High Chair

₹ 5,360.00

1st Step - Circle High Chair

Product Code: 19292

Product Price : Rs. 5,360.00 as on 14 April 2013

1st Step - Circle High Chair Sleek compact design does not sacrifice space for style Air controlled piston for seamless height adjustment Can be used without tray as a youth chair or at adult table during meals Internal rotation design offers quick and easy 360 degree rotation Contemporary base offers superior stability Adjustable tray includes removable dishwasher safe snap-on feeding tray  3 position recline for added comfort Roomy comfortable seat pad can be easily removed for cleaning 5 point harness for added safely

1st Step - Circle High Chair Sleek compact design does not sacrifice space for style Air controlled piston for seamless height adjustment Can be used without tray as a youth chair or at adult table during meals Internal rotation design offers quick and easy 360 degree rotation Contemporary base offers superior stability Adjustable tray includes removable dishwasher safe snap-on feeding tray  3 position recline for added comfort Roomy comfortable seat pad can be easily removed for cleaning 5 point harness for added safely

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1st Step - Circle High Chair Price in India : Rs. 5,360.00

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  2. The latest price of 1st Step - Circle High Chair was obtained on 14 April 2013.
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