Jis Desh Men Ganga Behti Hai

Jis Desh Men Ganga Behti Hai

₹ 134.00

Jis Desh Men Ganga Behti Hai

Product Code: 2022

Product Price : Rs. 134.00 as on 14 April 2013

""Radhu Karmakar?s Jis Desh Mein Ganga Behti Hai has Raju (Raj Kapoor) a peace-loving vagabond singing and roaming the streets in praise of the Ganga. He is accosted by a band of dacoits while trying to save another and is taken prisoner by them. While in their custody he falls in love with Kammo (Padmini) daaku Raka?s (Pran) girl. It is this love that leads Raju to want to reform the band. But when he hears of Raka?s exploits he is unable to forgive him. The music for the movie has been scored by Shankar Jaikishan and has some very memorable songs.""

""Radhu Karmakar?s Jis Desh Mein Ganga Behti Hai has Raju (Raj Kapoor) a peace-loving vagabond singing and roaming the streets in praise of the Ganga. He is accosted by a band of dacoits while trying to save another and is taken prisoner by them. While in their custody he falls in love with Kammo (Padmini) daaku Raka?s (Pran) girl. It is this love that leads Raju to want to reform the band. But when he hears of Raka?s exploits he is unable to forgive him. The music for the movie has been scored by Shankar Jaikishan and has some very memorable songs.""

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Jis Desh Men Ganga Behti Hai Price in India : Rs. 134.00

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