Universal Soldier: Regeneration

Universal Soldier: Regeneration

₹ 254.00

Universal Soldier: Regeneration

Product Code: 1033

Product Price : Rs. 254.00 as on 14 April 2013

A group of terrorists led by General Boris kidnap the Russian prime minister`s son and daughter and hold them hostage demanding the release of their comrades within 72 hours. In addition they have taken over the crippled Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant and threaten to detonate it if their demands are not met. It is revealed that among the ranks of the terrorists is a Next-Generation UniSol (NGU) who was smuggled in by rogue scientist Dr. Colin. U.S. forces bring in troops at the plant but quickly retreat when the four UniSols revived for this mission are systematically eliminated by the NGU.

A group of terrorists led by General Boris kidnap the Russian prime minister`s son and daughter and hold them hostage demanding the release of their comrades within 72 hours. In addition they have taken over the crippled Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant and threaten to detonate it if their demands are not met. It is revealed that among the ranks of the terrorists is a Next-Generation UniSol (NGU) who was smuggled in by rogue scientist Dr. Colin. U.S. forces bring in troops at the plant but quickly retreat when the four UniSols revived for this mission are systematically eliminated by the NGU.

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