Soap Opera Classic Footwear for Women - 8 (Gold/Black)

Soap Opera Classic Footwear for Women - 8 (Gold/Black)

₹ 299.00

Soap Opera Classic Footwear for Women - 8 (Gold/Black)

Product Code: 26561

Product Price : Rs. 299.00 as on 14 April 2013

Footwear carries you way ahead when it comes to style and making a class statement. The TV stars also put their fashionable foot forward with amazing range of sandals and slippers. Follow their shoe fetish and get inspired by our Soap Opera collection to make a star impact. Hurry and dress up your feet like the TV queens.Upper-Soft synthetic leather straps over the forefoot and midfoot Soft synthetic lined footbed with a synthetic leather patch Ergonomically curved footbed for ease of wear. Sole-PU sole and a grooved rubber heel patch for gripMid heel sandalcreated for the woman of sophistication this sandal is crafted with high quality material to offer unparalleled comfort and is uniquely designed to give your feet that urban touche

Footwear carries you way ahead when it comes to style and making a class statement. The TV stars also put their fashionable foot forward with amazing range of sandals and slippers. Follow their shoe fetish and get inspired by our Soap Opera collection to make a star impact. Hurry and dress up your feet like the TV queens.Upper-Soft synthetic leather straps over the forefoot and midfoot Soft synthetic lined footbed with a synthetic leather patch Ergonomically curved footbed for ease of wear. Sole-PU sole and a grooved rubber heel patch for gripMid heel sandalcreated for the woman of sophistication this sandal is crafted with high quality material to offer unparalleled comfort and is uniquely designed to give your feet that urban touche

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Soap Opera Classic Footwear for Women - 8 (Gold/Black) Price in India : Rs. 299.00

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