Body Story - Bad Taste

Body Story - Bad Taste

₹ 299.00

Body Story - Bad Taste

Product Code: 1964

Product Price : Rs. 299.00 as on 14 April 2013

Mike Small is in big trouble. Body Story reveals the inside story of food poisoning as computer graphics allow us to witness the invasion of his gut by millions of tiny salmonella bacteria. Theyve only got one aim – to breed. Mikes body fights back – with cells that slither across his gut lining to take on the bacteria and with cruder methods to flush the bacteria out – in either direction. As the battle gets increasingly ugly Mikes latest assignment - taking the snaps for a frozen vegetable company calendar – looks like it might be flushed down the pan.

Mike Small is in big trouble. Body Story reveals the inside story of food poisoning as computer graphics allow us to witness the invasion of his gut by millions of tiny salmonella bacteria. Theyve only got one aim – to breed. Mikes body fights back – with cells that slither across his gut lining to take on the bacteria and with cruder methods to flush the bacteria out – in either direction. As the battle gets increasingly ugly Mikes latest assignment - taking the snaps for a frozen vegetable company calendar – looks like it might be flushed down the pan.

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