Boat That Rocked

Boat That Rocked

₹ 194.00

Boat That Rocked

Product Code: 2245

Product Price : Rs. 194.00 as on 14 April 2013

""The Boat That Rocked" is an ensemble comedy in which the romance takes place between the young people of the `60s and pop music. It`s about a band of rogue DJs that captivated Britain playing the music that defined a generation and standing up to a government that incomprehensibly preferred jazz. The Count a big brash American god of the airwaves; Quentin the boss of Radio Rock -- a pirate radio station in the middle of the North Sea that`s populated by an eclectic crew of rock and roll DJs; Gavin the greatest DJ in Britain who has just returned from his drug tour of America to reclaim his rightful position; Dave an ironic intelligent and cruelly funny co-broadcaster; and a fearsome British government official out for blood against the drug takers and lawbreakers of a once-great nation."

""The Boat That Rocked" is an ensemble comedy in which the romance takes place between the young people of the `60s and pop music. It`s about a band of rogue DJs that captivated Britain playing the music that defined a generation and standing up to a government that incomprehensibly preferred jazz. The Count a big brash American god of the airwaves; Quentin the boss of Radio Rock -- a pirate radio station in the middle of the North Sea that`s populated by an eclectic crew of rock and roll DJs; Gavin the greatest DJ in Britain who has just returned from his drug tour of America to reclaim his rightful position; Dave an ironic intelligent and cruelly funny co-broadcaster; and a fearsome British government official out for blood against the drug takers and lawbreakers of a once-great nation."

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Boat That Rocked Price in India : Rs. 194.00

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